Social media is something that is the ‘new norm’ in today's society. People post stories on Instagram tagging friends or capturing a brunch they are enjoying. This is just what people do. People share things they think look appealing (granted that sometimes social media can be used for raising awareness and sharing story’s etc.). social media covers a range of platforms from Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok and more. People post to share a piece of themselves online, but it’s a fabricated lie. Behind the filters and poses and outfits and makeup and cars, what is the reason for this? Why are we looking for approval from people we wouldn’t even say hi to if we bumped into them in Tesco. Why do gorgeous people inside and out need a set of comments and likes to clarify and determine this fact? Shouldn’t we rather look for real connections, relationships, and feelings? Rather than Pete who I saw in a nightclub once, telling me I am ‘fire’. This means nothing. Okay, Pete might think we look 'fire' but, it serves no meaning. It doesn’t feed anything other than an insecure voice in our heads that tells us that we need to have over 100 likes and comments to be good enough. Why do we give these people whose second name we don’t know (‘I know her by jasmine_xoxo’) so much power over our emotions and how we view ourselves? Altering how we look and showing more off to gain likes and be accepted, FOR WHAT? We are losing character and charisma in the process. Making ourselves feel so small and act small by putting all of who we are, in a tiny square Instagram post and believing that that post is who we are and people’s reactions to it determine what the whole world thinks of us. We do ourselves a massive disservice when we believe in outside noise and post things for the approval of others. This short-term satisfaction leads to a life that is a lie and you become a slave to the opinions of others. You are a lump of clay, and you are letting the outside world take control and mould you into whatever they like. Break free and realise the reality that is, social media platforms such as Instagram are an app that should be used as a tool for our benefit.
2001 Baby