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  • Writer's pictureMary Welman

Predicting Beauty Trends

Updated: Feb 10, 2021

Sea Salt Spray

Sea Salt spray is a product that was first introduced in the 1990s. This hair product was a hit! Create a beach wave with no heat and no fuss. Simply Spray and scrunch. I believe sea salt spray will soon make a comeback. This hairstyle is often linked to ‘surfer hair’- During coronavirus, many people in the UK decided to take staycations as travel abroad was restricted and unsafe. Many people decided to go to Cornwall, famous for its beautiful beaches and surfing. The rise in staycations to places such as Cornwall sparked the surfing trend which was extremely popular in Summer 2020. I believe this summer people are going to have an interest in surfing and the surfer ‘look’ that goes along with that. Meaning sea salt spray will be a popular product we will see more.

Shimmery Bronzers

In recent years, matte bronzer and cream-based bronzers have become popular products when it comes to contouring. However, I believe matte makeup looks are less of a trend and the dewy, natural skin is more desirable. I have noticed that popular influencers are mixing bronzers with highlighters to create a shimmery bronze look. Bronzers with a shimmer create a warm glow and I believe they will become popular soon.

Natural Lashes

In recent years fuller lashes have become a trend. Many people are achieving this look by regularly getting lash extensions or purchasing fuller false lashes. I believe lockdown has given many people around the world an opportunity to work on self-love, many people are reading books on how to love yourself as you are. This is great! Consequently, I believe most people desire a natural look and do not want to look ‘fake’. Natural false lashes or no false lashes will become a trend as many people will be wanting to make subtle beauty enhancements.

Tanning Oils

Like I have said above I believe many people will be leaning towards a more natural look when it comes to beauty. I think that fake tanning will be less common, and most people will want to achieve a natural tan. As this requires time in the sun and patience many people will want a product that makes tanning naturally easier. Especially if they find it hard to catch the sun. For this reason, I believe that tanning oils and products similar will have a rise in sales as it will give customers the bronze results, they want quicker and easier.

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